Friday, October 23, 2009

Cross gender interaction

I really have no after thoughts about the interactions between both the genders. Maybe being brought up quite open-mindedly, I don't really see what is the issue whether one is being called a Miss or a Ms and all the other forms of categorization. Honestly I might very well be asexual.

It is quite apparent that it is a female when a discourse like this is noted:

Likewise, this can be classified as a male utterance:
"Damn! Im so happy that you made it Harvard Med School!! Congrats man!"

Based on the difference theory perhaps? Intimacy vs Independence, Connection vs Status, Relationship vs Information, Rapport vs Report... blah blah.

But frankly, with a slow but sure shift in the paradigm of what is male and female, the value of this study might be undermined. Males are getting more metrosexual (my bf uses more Cologne than I do!!) and females are attempting to establish themselves on the same platform as males. In portraying their intended images, males might end up saying:


Vice versa.

So where are the parameters? For a transexual, do you record his or her discourse as the original God-gift (cursed) inert gender or as the new gender he or she chose and embraced? Food for thought.


  1. Good food for thought. That's why current studies on language and gender have started to look at how gender is constructed or re-constructed in discourse.

  2. If someone has so much faith to believe that the gender god gave him is the wrong one, it seems that the person has went through enough self-discovery to conclude so. Thus, i personally feel that the discourse contributed by him in most cases is likewise characteristic of the other gender, instead of the god-gift one.

  3. I believe that everyone prefers to see something pleasing to their eyes. Ladies would prefer 'shui shui' (means handsome) guys over those with long breads and pimples all over their face. So it is a change that benefits all. A change that reflects the civilization of mankind.
