Thursday, November 12, 2009

Last Blog Post

Wheet!!! Its almost the end of the semester and this course is the best because there are no exams!!! Seriously!!

Thinking back, this journey has been pretty fun. Not with regards to the course content (I am being super honest here, else I would major in languages wouldn't I?) but because I was taking it with my sister. TA DAH! I just confirmed your suspicions that Yi Wen and I were sisters right..? :p

Anyway, it has been a fun time taking a module together and having lunch thereafter. With both of us being so busy with our own lives, we barely even meet at home what say in school? Even though our faculties share the same canteen, I never seem to be fated enough to coincidentally encounter her. So this module provided the platform and I am grateful. (:

Someone else whom I was coincidentally taking this course with is Syafiah!! Its so funny how Syafiah and I were doing the same holiday job but completely lost contact thereafter. Then on the first week of school (when we all didn't know that CELC's timetable doesn't start until week 2) we met on the way to class and lo and behold!! What a coincidence!! Well, we didn't made it to class cuz there wasn't any.... Haha! While the course did not bond us closer than we already were/were not, it was still a pleasure meeting you again! (:

Lastly, someone in class who took me by surprise is Andy. Haha!! Frankly, real estate is a REALLY REALLY REALLY small course with a cohort size of roughly 150 students per year. I am in year 3 but I am a fast track student so I take half of my modules with the year 4 peers. I join FOC, Rag and Flag and I am a committee member in the Building and Estate Management Society (BEMS). Basically, I am pretty prominent in my faculty and I know most of the students too. But Andy really took me by surprise when he said he was a year 3 student doing Real Estate during introduction because I have never seen him around!!! Haha!! Nevertheless, Im glad to know another of my faculty member *waves* (Hi Andy!!). (:

Oh well, so there for the classmates. The course itself has been less interesting than the people... but it has taught me very much about research and perseverance. Really, the course content is secondary. Let me explain....

Before embarking on this module, I did not know the meaning of 'discourse'. Based on sui generis, I just assumed discourse is something like dispute or a deviation from the intended course (you know..? DIS-course?) following the words CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS. So I was expecting something like this:

If I have known that it meant:

communication of thought by words

I would never have taken this course. Frankly. Too bad I do not have anymore University Required Modules to clear else I would surely do a research on every single word about it on cors to prevent doing more researches later in the semester. Haha!

Since whats done cannot be undone, this is where perseverance come in. I decided that since I spent so much bid points on this course, I would see through it in the most positive light and Im glad I did. Even though some of the course content has been really dry, some were very interesting. I think my favourite was written discourse.

Maybe its because I love to read. I do note that some authors are definitely more interesting than others not because of their content but because of their writing styles. Since I am a very visual person, I tend to prefer authors who describes, describes and describes. As a child, I love Dr Suss and Roald Dahl!!!! Pardon the quirkiness and the violence but it gives me an idea of who is doing what pretty well and thats what I would want to know as a child.

And because of this course, I learned some styles of writing that others have researched on and I think I would be interested to read about the other types of written discourses! (:

So if there was one thing that I truly benefited from this course, it has got to be the spearheading of my interest in written discourses!


  1. Thanks for your honest comments on the course. I'm glad that you did get something positive out of it. I also like the video, which is hilarious.

  2. *wave*

    hahaahhaa.. oh well, im not exactly prominent in sde, but i certainly didn't expect to meet another person from sde let alone RE in a super small class..

    oh. through this class i also met my ex-jc-classmate's boyfriend. to think that two of them ganged up to trick me..

    i do love roald dahl too, not so much for his description but more of his darkness. love it!!

  3. @Andy: Haha NUS is too small!! :p Oh yes yes I love Roald Dahl's adult books too!! They are less descriptive and very morbidly interesting!! Haha!! Have you read Skin? Its my favourite!! >__<;;
